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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Biting My Tongue

I've purposely avoided sharing any thoughts about the tragic situation surrounding Terri Schiavo, since I largely believe that this is a family matter that frankly is none of my business. Too bad the Republicans who are jumping on this bandwagon don't feel the same way. They are making this yet another forum for the "pro-life base" to take center stage and milk whatever political mileage that they can from a completely inappropriate situation. I'm so glad that they have all the really big issues solved, so that they can now deal with this and the pressing needs of baseball.

It's not a surprise that DeLay would wrap himself up in this, since perhaps it might take our minds off his own transgressions and problems. He keeps making these grandiose statements about the "value of life", yet when it comes to social programs or foreign policy will we see the same level of concern?

It's time to stop exploiting this. I have tremendous sympathy for her parents, and respect their feelings, but let the rabble rousing stop. If I truly believed that this was about Terri Schiavo, it wouldn't bother me (as much) although I still think this is a family issue; but after the revelation of the "talking points" it's clear that this is posturing for the next election, which is shameful and makes this even more tragic and outrageous.
|| JM, 7:12 AM


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