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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ready To Wear?

What Boyfriend Will She Wear?
When you see a story in The New Your Times about "scratch-n-sniff" panties, you can be pretty sure it isn't going to be the kind of sleazy story you might see elsewhere (or had hoped for). The article profiles the "wares" available at Munki where they sell scratch and sniff undies designed to evoke memories of old boyfriends. The scents aren't what you might expect, but include BBQ sauce(BBQ guy), fresh cut grass(mower-man), and cedar(handy-man).

But I see no product with the guys in mind, so please, at your earliest convenience add the following men's flavors: vanilla (sorry; it was nice but my career is more important-girl), marijuana (crazy like a loon, but I've got enormous breasts-girl), bubble-gum (we've got nothing in common, but I've got enormous breasts and my father has political connections-girl), and peach ("stop talking to my husband" cyber-connection-girl).
|| JM, 2:23 PM


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