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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Please Pass The Kool-Aid Home of the Best Anti-Bush T-Shirts

First the rape and pillaging of the social security system....well; that's not really the first but for a moment, let me ignore all the obvious missteps of W's first term. Now he continues to insult our intelligence with budget estimates that are wildly optimistic (when that suits his ends) and ignore spending commitments that make the budget a joke. Then the true costs of Bush's Medicare drug benefit come out and we find it will cost far more that they said when they sold it to Congress. Gee, anybody other than me skeptical about the motivations of passing a fix that really didn't fix anything in an election year, only to find out that it's going to cost way more than what we were told?

And somehow, even with all this going on his popularity seems to rise. I need to drink some of that Rovian flavored Kool-Aid so I can blindly accept the nonsense that Bush spews out that is diametrically opposite the actions that he takes. What drives me nuts is that this proponent of smaller government grows the debt and the size of the federal government at an incredible rate. He claims to be a compassionate conservative, yet cuts back on essential programs to help the disadvantaged, while claiming to help them, and at the same time funding continued tax breaks for the rich. The saber rattling warrior with his eye on Iran, who conveniently looks the other way as North Korea continues to stockpile "nuklur" materials and make bombs (perhaps because they can fight back?)

What am I missing; how can this clown continue to get away with it? They continue to define their own reality, and most people just accept it without a challenge. The recent passing of "Dean Wormer" has me remembering (and doubting) his sage advice that "fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!" Perhaps that's the only way I can accept this stupidity that passes for governing. I'm putting Bush on double SECRET Probation until I come up with another solution! "Nothing is over until we decide it is!"
|| JM, 9:11 AM


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