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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, February 28, 2005

More From Wally World

Wal-Mart, the benevolent behemoth
Since I haven't picked on Wal-Mart lately, here are some interesting figures, posted by TBogg: "Wal-Mart employees average only $8.23 an hour in wages ($329 for a 40-hour week). By contrast, CEO Lee Scott received $295,530 a week in 2003. More than 62% of his $15.3 million in compensation was in the form of stock options or restricted stock.

For a forty-hour week, that works out to $7,388.25 per hour so he makes $7,380.02 per hour more than his average employee. That doesn't include tips, of course."

But as tempting as it is to vilify Wal-Mart, Robert Reich reminds us not to point a finger, since that leaves three pointing back at you.
|| JM, 9:33 AM


Hey John, Mary from Knock here - we were just able to drive out Walmart from our area and now they are working on another area just north of here and getting a fight there as well. One of the reasons we didn't want them was that they would have demolished more wetland so it was mainly an environmental thing - same for the place north of here. They have been offered a chemically contaminated site in hopes that they would repair the damage done and build there. We'll see. Good post, as usual.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:49 PM  

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