McDonalds Wants You To F*ck It's Sandwiches
"Nothing is better than when a giant company makes an attempt to be cool with their marketing, only to do something that is completely moronic causing the very audience it is chasing to mock them.....Although I firmly believe that McDonalds is not advocating hot man on sandwich action, it is quite obvious that they did not do their homework as if they had, it is likely that they would have realized "I'd Hit It" is not exactly the catch phrase to use when selling fast food."
And as if this isn't enough McDonalds is also starting to
outsource their drive-throughs!
Before McDonalds become the omnipresent roadside institution that it has become, Howard Johnson's was the place that provided food and comfort to a generation of travelers, before it fell victim to changing tastes, changing lifestyles, and corporate neglect. All that exists are our memories, and the site
America's Landmark: Under The Orange Roof does a great job preserving those memories.
And if you are nostalgic for fast food chains that are no more, this
Gino's Hamburgers tribute site is sure to stir up memories if you are from the Northeast.