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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Road To Hana

Found this discussion thread and found it amusing. Anybody that's been to Maui has probably driven the road to Hana which is a very scenic, very narrow, meandering road that snakes to the far end of the island. Did I mention that it is narrow? We almost made it to the end with Charles Lindberg's grave as our destination, but as I was crawling along the side of a cliff in a rental Jeep, with no shoulder and no guard rail to the road, the vision of the Jeep dropping to the rocks far below became an image that was tough to shake. Combine that with the pleas of the wife to turn back, and bailing out became a no-brainer. Still, highly recommended. On the way back, be sure to reward yourself with a meal at Mama's Fish House!
|| JM, 9:30 AM


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