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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Fixing The Disconnect

Fighting The Tide : Fixing The Morality Disconnect
"Liberals and Democrats are beginning to see why they keep losing ground amongst middle America.

The vast sea of red states give the impression that the GOP owns the Mississippi basin lock, stock, and barrel. This isn’t quite true, however, because plenty of those red states are being won by relatively narrow margins. But why are those states tilting red?

The short answer is the “moral” issue. The GOP media machine has painted a very distorted and dishonest picture: that Dems/libs are all a bunch of hedonists who hate God and Country but love sin and communism. Pure nonsense, but it has traction because the Democrats haven’t countered it.......

If the folks in the red states woke up and realized that Jesus told us to feed the poor (welfare), heal the sick (health care), render unto Caesar (pay your taxes), and be moderate (discourage greed and consumption), they’d start discussing morals the same way Dems/libs do. That there is more to morality than the limited list the GOP offers......."
|| JM, 8:56 AM


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