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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Clark Obama 2008?

Potential candidates for 2008
As much as I'm in love with the concept of "Clark-Obama 2008", I really don't see much chance of this happening. But then again, Kerry didn't look like a contender even a year ago either (and please, no jokes about Tuesday.) Clark needs to get to work and build a base, ala Nixon and Goldwater after their losses. The only thing that troubles me is that he hasn't had any success in the political arena, but his performance as a "talking head" has been outstanding. He needs to run for something to remain relevant; the success of state governors in running for President (Carter, Reagan, Clinton, &W) suggests the path to take. Barack Obama's political potential is a no-brainer. Actually, I think he could lead the ticket, except that the lack of experience could be an issue like it was for John Edwards.
|| JM, 9:19 AM


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