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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, October 08, 2004

No WMDs? No Problem!

Reasons To Invade?
"Gosh, the Bush team is sort of running out reasons they invaded Iraq, no? First it's they've got WMDs, then it's that they were in the process of manufacturing WMDs, now, if we understand The Amazing Cheney right, Saddam was thinking about manufacturing WMDs. .......Well, we hate to see a perfectly good invasion get marred by, oh, a complete lack of justification, so we thought we'd suggest some other things about Saddam that the president, at least, might find reason enough to go to war:
1) Didn't rewind rental tape
2) Mixed recyclables
3) Wrote a book
4) Reads books
5) Throws like a girl
6) Is too tall
7) Fuzzy math
8) Prevented OBGYNs from practicing their love
9) Wanted us to pass a global test"
|| JM, 9:44 AM


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