For some reason, it's just the political stuff that's caught my eye today, so here goes:
Oh boy; a "major speech" by the Shrub 2nite. I'm guessing that it will resemble the tone of
this clip! Hardly seems fair to use the power of the Presidency to get air time at a crutial time in the election, even though others have done the same and Rove is capable of much worse. Seems likely that George wants the stage to himself to undo some of last weeks damage or the October suprise, perhaps?
Moose on the Loose
A McCain/Bullmoose/Progressive Republican on why he is voting for Kerry:
Tthe Bush administration has betrayed the effort to create a new politics of national greatness in the aftermath of 9/11......there is no remaining shred of doubt that another four years of a Bush presidency would have a toxic effect on American politics. If George W. Bush is re-elected, unlimited corporate power, cynicism, and division will ride high in the saddle."
"I'm in the Senate most Tuesdays, and this is the first, uhh second, well the third time I've met you."
Spin Control
Determined to win the post-debate spin war on Tuesday night, the Bush campaign called on its supporters to flood the news media with quick declarations that Vice President Dick Cheney had come out ahead. Ken Mehlman, Mr. Bush's campaign manager, delivered the request in an e-mail message to supporters early Tuesday morning. "Immediately after the debate, visit online polls, chat rooms and discussion boards and make your voice heard," he said in the note, sent to the six million supporters on the campaign's e-mail list. "People's perceptions are shaped as much by their conversations around the water cooler as by the debates themselves."
You heard them before, but now you can own the DVD!
“I think it's very important for the American President to mean what he says. That's why I understand that the enemy could misread what I say. That's why I try to be as clearly I can.” – Washington, D.C. Sep. 23, 2004