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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Bloody Marys For the Soul

Laura Bush's Guide To Raising Christian Ladies
Some funny stuff you find on "the internets"....
"Nothing demands more of any passive-aggressive woman's attention than rebellious children (unless, of course, you have an underachiever husband with an addictive personality who is getting enormous pressure from his overbearing mother to get elected president).....It is important that children learn to share at an early age. Start with a fifth of Cuervo Gold.......Tell the housekeeper to keep $1,000 (cash) in her purse at all times for bail. (This will save you from giving your girls your unlisted cell phone number.).....During your daughters' all-important years ending high school, try to spend over 250 nights out of town on the campaign trail talking to local television morning shows about how important your family is to you."
|| JM, 9:41 PM


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