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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

TV Time

My TV obsession haunts me again in many forms. First, I'm hit with The NY Times review of the season's premier of both CSI:NY and Law & Order. Boy, was I surprised to see that CSI is a man's show and L&O is for women! Up to this point, I had only been worried about how I was going to tape these two shows and watch another (Rescue Me) that have the bad luck to all be on at the same time. Now, in addition to dealing with logistical problems, I've got to come to terms with having feminine viewing tendencies...if this review is to be believed. I'll still watch L&O first.

We just signed up for Fetflix, and I put the DVD's of the first two seasons of Six Feet Under on my list, so I could catch up on the episodes that I missed. Despite my quest to see how many movies & DVD's that I can cram into one month's worth of membership, I ventured out to do so "real world" stuff today. One of my stops was at the hospital for an x-ray. It was a very strange coincidence that the guy who did the x-ray was virtually a clone of Arthur. I'm pretty sure I haven't lost my grip on reality, although there are those who might argue that point.
|| JM, 5:07 PM


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