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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Things To Hate About The Convention

1001 Things To Hate About The Convention

999. Rudy Giuliani caught backstage in Nosferatu pose, muttering, "Soon all this will be mine!"
969. Commuters screwed.
968. Local businesses screwed.
967. Massive numbers of foreigners watching just to find another reason to hate us.
935. White House advisor Matthew Dowd says for Bush not to mention 9/11 "would be like Roosevelt not talking about Pearl Harbor."
934. In fact, Roosevelt didn’t mention Pearl Harbor at the 1944 Democratic convention.
808. Abraham Lincoln not arisen from the dead to say, "Dude, where’s my party?"
646. Macy’s broadcasts Fox News on its Herald Square outdoor tv.
642. With Jeb Bush in New York, chance that Jeb Bush will be swept away by Hurricane Frances is reduced to almost zero.
592. 3000 WTC dead unable to protest Bush’s ineptitude or his subsequent stonewalling of 9/11 Commission.
|| JM, 9:09 AM


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