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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Mid-Apocalypse Reflection

Spin control is beginning way in advance of the debates. Both candidates are working hard to lower expectations. I just heard one of the TV pundants describe Bush as a persuasive debater, even if he doesn't have all the facts. Hell...if I'm not bound by the facts, I'm pretty sure that I could beat any challenger myself. Bush has proven successful at repeating the same lies, half-truths , and sound bites, again and again. This constant repetition results in people accepting what they hear as the truth. Perception is far more important than reality, since any objective review of Bush's performance in office would result in the conclusion that he has delivered results much different than those he promised. Yet, the vast majority of voters seem willing to ignore the evidence and buy the spin. Bush has become the "tosser" in a high stakes game of "three card monte", where the American people are gullible victims. He keeps shuffling the "9-11" and "making us safer" cards so that far too many are fooled into thinking that this is a fair game. But just like in the real game of three card monte, don't trust the dealer!
|| JM, 11:36 AM


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