I continue to post links here that I stumble upon which I find amusing, as a sorta' on-line bookmark file. Since I just re-did the template, I decided to go back and see how the old posts looked with the new code. This caused me to review what I've posted so far and a few things surprised me. I really started this out to be more or a personal blog consisting of real and honest accounts of daily experiences/observations. I soon realized that I lacked the honesty, time, and guts to do that kind of thing too often. It soon turned into a series of annotated links. What really surprised me is the topics of the links that I've posted. Up to this point 40% are political, 34% relate to pop culture issues, 6% pertain to dogs, and 5% are about robots. So in an effort to bump up the robot percentages, here is an amusing, yet topical link (considering Governor McGreevey's recent troubles) about....you guessed it....
gay robots!