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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, June 07, 2004

Looking Back

Wow, I am amazed at the degree of laudatory comments that are dominating the unending news coverage of the passing of Ronald Reagan. I expect soon we'll hear an SNL type news flash...This Just In.....Reagan still dead. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing but sympathy for the family, both now and in the torturous trip down the path that is Alzheimer’s; something that nobody should have to suffer. What I have a problem with is the effort to re-write history, and give him credit for everything other than the sun rising in the morning.

Lets face it; he was a charismatic guy who was a true gentleman, and in comparison to the current wing nut in the White House a statesman and a pragmatist. But that's about it for my "fond" remembrances. I recall a legacy of deficits, Iran contras, Star Wars, and some pretty conservative (for lack of a better word) social policies. I could go on, but I'm sure others can do it better.....or so I hope. I can hardly believe that he is being mentioned in the company of the really "great" presidents like FDR; seems like we've forgotten much about either our recent or our not so recent history. We can only hope that President Wingnut's attempt to bask in this warm glow is the miserable failure that so many of his other policies have been.
|| JM, 8:06 PM


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