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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Sunday, May 16, 2004


2005 Lotus Elise: Lotus Finally Lines Up a New Car for America

A nice article in the NY Times about the sharp new Lotus sports car. But, did she have to say “few things soothe middle-age angst better than a fast, low-slung, open-air sports car.”? Ouch; this hits too close to home since we just bought a new toy, a “classic” (read: used) Miata convertible. I knew that this might scream “mid-life crisis”, but as one of my co-workers assures me; as long as I don’t get a tattoo or piercing to go with it I can avoid the “MLC” label. Some things that I’ve learned since I’ve been driving it include: sunscreen = good, hat = better.

|| JM, 10:40 PM


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