Talk Pretty - The linguistic brilliance of HBO's Deadwood. By Matt�Feeney
This is rapidly turning into my favorite TV show. I was skeptical when I heard that HBO was doing "a western” due to the "been there/done that" factor, but after watching an episode or so it's easy to get hooked. The show works on so many levels; with so many characters to root for and against. "The wife" informs me that she can't watch the show because it is "too dirty". I thought I understood, since the adult content and the liberal usage of the "f" bomb and the "cs" moniker make this show tough for some to take. But upon further discussion, I find that her aversion is based on the lack of proper sanitation and personal hygiene that is present in this frontier setting. Go figure; I may have to stop watching The Soprano's since I'm not a big fan of gold chains and big hair.